We're a couple of neophyte seniors wending our way through the brave new world of frequent doctor visits and revised dining (low salt and low carb) who got used to pioneering by getting into fandom in the 1970s, back in the day of printed (and sometimes mimeographed) fanzines, Star Trek conventions, and correspondence by snail mail. We saw Trek (and a bunch of other classics) first run, spent our childhoods pretending to be our favorite television characters (and, in Linda's case, incorporating them into stories), and came into computers via VIC20s and Commodore 64s. In the 1990s we were on GEnie (what was then called an "electronic bulletin board"), and went live with this site in September of 1996 (yeah, in digital terms it's an antique). We live just northwest of Atlanta in a house we call "Autumn Hollow" because our motto is "Fall forever; summer...never!" and except at Christmas it's autumn here all the time. Our mutual interests include reading, bookstores, old-time radio, science fiction, science fiction conventions, watching dog obedience and agility competitions, hobbies and crafts, history and technology museums, dogs, budgies, and travel (when fiscally possible!). We are peripherally involved with the Atlanta Radio Theatre Company, have become senselessly addicted to our smartphones, tablets, e-books, and collecting DVDs, not to mention the increasingly higher piles of sundoku, and have yet to figure out where the time all goes...
Website contents courtesy the combined efforts of Threshold Press and Collie Press. Initial text composed mainly in WordPerfect 5.1+ (all hail WP5.1!); subsequent material produced in HTML Assistant Pro 3/2000, with help from Paul McFedries' Complete Idiot's Guide to Creating an HTML Web Page, Elizabeth Castro's HTML 4 for the World Wide Web (fifth edition), Que's Using HTML (sixth edition), SamsNet's HTML 4 Unleashed, Lynda Weinman's Preparing Web Graphics, Osborne's The Complete Reference to Web Design,, Joe Burns' HTML Goodies and JavaScript Goodies, and HTML Writer and Windows95 WordPad. Graphics manipulation over the years courtesy LView Pro, Paint Shop Pro 5, X3, X9 and 2018, Adobe PhotoDeluxe, PhotoImpact 6 and 7, and Adobe Photoshop Elements.
Web page design and production
© 2023 by Linda M. Young