Windy Foot Books Trivia Answers
- Toby's favorite exclamation is "Barnacles!"
- To get Windy Foot to go, Toby says "Excuse my dust!" or simply "Dust!"
- Toby's favorite flavor of ice cream is chocolate, followed by butterscotch.
- Tish's favorite flavor is also chocolate, but her second favorite is coffee.
- Tillie and Tossie won $50.00 for the Clarks.
- Johnny called the stoneboat a "starboat."
- Betsy names her new doll Matilda.
- Windy's Christmas present, besides a bowl of maple mousse, was a red jockey cap that Toby cut holes in so Windy could wear it.
- Betsy wanted to name the calf Angelina.
- The Michaelis family came from Canada.
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